22 November, 2022 | NOV DEC 2022

Product Review: Aura Multigame amphitheatre by Spintec

Spintec d.o.o is one of APE’s global partners from Slovenia. It is a world-class Electronic Table Game (ETG) manufacturer with large ETG coverage in Macau and Asia.

Its most popular product, Aura Multigame, is a compact amphitheatre gaming solution well known for its cutting-edge design and technical perfection. Aura is gaming perfection brought to life, combining automated, live and virtual games into one seamless and enjoyable multigame experience. Aura boasts state-of-the-art technology designed to offer a better gaming experience and an extensive library of games.

Loved by Asian Players and operators, Aura Multigame not only installs roulette, craps, baccarat, blackjack, but also sic bo, which caters to Asian players’ preferences. Operators can also opt for a version of Aura Multigame with every possible combination of these games.

Aura has been well loved by Macau and Asia players, and casino operators. It has a proven track record of prolonging gaming sessions, thus generating higher profitability for the operator.

During G2E Asia, held in August 2022, plenty of casino operators from Asian countries expressed their interest in Aura. We believe it will be a big hit in the Asian gaming market.