The operator’s Durango Station Casino & Hotel has been approved by officials, but the Culinary Union is looking to locals for support in its attempt to halt the project.
Station Casinos representatives say the project has the potential to create jobs and generate revenue for the local area.
However, the operator has repeatedly rebuffed efforts by employees to unionise. Even the National Labor Relations Board has gotten involved, taking the company to federal court to force its hand.
It was ruled that Station Casinos must negotiate with the Culinary Union for employees at Red Rock Resort, though tensions remained high.
When Station announced its intentions to build a new casino on a vacant lot in Spring Valley, the Culinary Union fought back.
It began a grassroots campaign by contacting area residents in an attempt to sway public opinion against the casino’s construction.
Postcards were mailed, encouraging locals to attend the approval meeting and voice their opinions about a “Strip-sized casino” being planned.
“Culinary Union has mailed postcards to residents and talked to members and parents at the nearby elementary school about the project and is raising questions about traffic/pedestrian safety on Maule Avenue and neighbourhood compatibility,” the Culinary Union said in a 27 August press release.
According to the union, members of the local community have expressed concerns about public safety and traffic.
In an impact study conducted three years ago, concerns were raised after it was revealed that traffic could increase from 18,533 to 78,558 vehicle trips per day.
However, the Spring Valley Advisory Board gave the go-ahead on 31 August despite union efforts to block its approval. Clark County still has to sign off, however.
Justin Jones, a Clark County Commissioner, said in a statement that he appreciated residents’ input, and will consider it when meeting with the zoning commission later in September.