The report mentioned several operational highlights including two completed acquisitions – P&P Vegas Group and all assets from QM Media AB, as well as Infinileads, all-time high non-Nordic revenue of 40%, continued investments in long-term organic US growth as well as a granted licence to operate in Arizona.
Another important operational highlight was the signing of a one-year revolving credit facility of €15m with Avida Finance AB, credit which has been utilised in September and in parallel the previous credit facility with Swedbank has been terminated.
CEO Oskar Mühlbach said: “With the US sports calendar filling up during Q4 and Q1, in combination with our recent US acquisitions with assets such as picks&parlays and winners and whiners, we furthermore expect our US share of total to increase and for the US to be added to the list of substantial growth markets already during next quarter.
“In addition to giving us a strong position within the US picker market, we also aim to add the full power of Raketech’s SEO and tech experts, as well as Raketech’s commercials such as affiliation, CRM and media to further accelerate growth.
"In parallel, we continue to invest in long-term organic US growth through a series of assets such as, and and as of September we are also licensed to operate in yet another state, this time Arizona.”
Mühlbach also stated that October revenue (falling under Q4) totalled €3.8m and an EBITDA margin of 45%.