Ohio will be the first US state in 2023 to launch sports betting, with Gambling.com rolling out BetOhio.com in January 2022 to provide potential bettors with information about the soon-to-be-legal practice.
In a survey, BetOhio.com revealed that one in six people plan to bet on sporting events in Ohio, which has a population of over 8 million adults.
Charles Gillespie, CEO of Gambling.com Group, said: “The expected launch of the legal online sports betting market in Ohio only adds to the tremendous amount of positive momentum we saw for the North American online gaming industry in 2022.
“Ohio is taking the right approach by keeping the barriers to entry low and allowing a variety of operators to enter the market. We believe that this will foster competition and ultimately benefit consumers as the operators with the best products rise to the top. Gambling.com Group is well positioned to help operators and customers succeed in this next wave of regulated legal online sports betting in the United States.”
Meanwhile, Caroline Smart, VP at Gambling.com Group, added: “Ohio allowing sportsbooks to take legal sports bets just ahead of the start of the NFL playoffs is a huge win for sports bettors in the state.
“This is an exciting moment for sports bettors to finally place safe and responsible wagers with legal sportsbooks after years of discussion and negotiation, and the robust offerings in the Ohio market will ensure there are plenty of choices and opportunities for customers.”