HoS’ online casino brand holds exclusive rights with rock icons like “the godfather of shock rock” Alice Cooper and Twisted Sister’s Lead Dee Snider.
Both rockstars are brand ambassadors for the newly launched platform that’s tailored to the spirit of 70’s Rock n’ Roll. The online casino offers slots featuring Alice Cooper, ZZ Top, KISS, Twisted Sister and more.
House of Spades CEO Pelle Wiman said: "House of Spades is more than just an online casino; it's a high-class entertainment experience. We’re building a ‘fan-to-game bond’. We also access what-money-can't-buy treats from our friends, our rock ambassadors and from some of the most legendary bands in the world.
“So with special welcome offers tailored for the fans, rare rock rewards directly from the bands and a cutting-edge product like no other, we are ready to rock the industry."
HoS offers a 36-level achievement program that takes players on a house tour room by room in search of hidden artefacts and keys, and rewards players with coins and cash prizes for each accomplished room.
The platform also includes weekly challenges and tournaments, as well as a special avatar program of fictional hotel guests and celebrity rock stars to choose from.
The platform is currently live in Finland, Canada, Germany, Poland, New Zealand and Norway; and HoS is planning to expand into LatAm, Japan, India and other markets this year.