ParionsSport en ligne, the online sports betting brand of FDJ, has partnered with the French Tennis Federation (FFT) on a new campaign centred around the hashtag, “#SmashTheHaters.”
The operator expressed a desire to support FFT in its ongoing fight against cyber harassment and “recall the importance of respect for all players in sport and in particular, those involved in athletics.”
“ParionsSport en ligne, which offers a playful and responsible betting offer and promotes compliance with the rules, wishes to support the French Tennis Federation in its fight against cyberbullying,” it stated.
As part of the initiative, ParionsSport shared a 30-second video on Twitter and denounced cyberbullying, tweeting: “Betting also means respecting the players!”
The brand’s Twitter message further informed users that for every one retweet, it will donate €5 ($5.26) to 3018; the number victims of cyberbullying in France can call for support.
A statement published by FDJ read: “For one week, for each retweet of the video, ParionsSport en ligne will donate €5 for the benefit of 3018, the free, anonymous and confidential national number against digital violence.
“This number is the entry point for reporting any situation of harassment and ensuring comprehensive and rapid support for the victim.”
The country’s National Gaming Authority (ANJ) has formed a working group to review and present new guidelines on sports partnerships before the World Cup later this year.