TransAct designs award-winning Casino and Gaming printers chosen by operators around the world. Always setting the bar high, TransAct introduces the Epic Edge� casino TITO printer, which features an unparalleled 300 DPI print resolution to create razor-sharp barcodes and eye-catching graphics. With the flagship of the industry favorite Epic Edge� casino printer, along with the robust Epicentral� software, TransAct's premium products allow casino operators to print targeted promotions and offers to players from the slot machine - in real-time.
Watch how Foxwoods Resort & Casino drives player loyalty with Epicentral® from TransAct Technologies on Vimeo
Description: TransAct's Epicentral Software Bonusing System delivers customized promotions to slot players as they play - encouraging extended stays and increasing customer loyalty. Hear from Foxwoods Casino to see how they leveraged the power of Epicentral at their resort!