In a statement, the regulator issued a warning to lottery operators about incorporating elements from “more risky” products, such as slot machines and casino games.
Lottery permits do not allow operators to offer content online, players may only purchase tickets via the internet. As a result, lotteries are considered “less risky” games.
“For example,” said the regulator, “offering a game linked to a lottery online is prohibited. A lottery licence simply does not allow this.”
However, the distinction between lotteries and other content is becoming blurred as lottery operators add elements from riskier games. Consequently, the KSA has launched an investigation into this issue and threatened to take enforcement action if the law or licence conditions are violated.
“The distinction between risky and less risky games of chance is there to protect consumers,” the KSA stated.
“People who want to participate in a lottery may not come into contact with more risky games of chance without being invited.
“These can lead to gambling addiction and related social problems. Important objectives of the KSA are consumer protection and the prevention of gambling addiction.”