Oklahoman city of Broken Arrow is expected to approve a resolution which would confirm its opposition to efforts to introduce gaming machines into the town.
Broken Arrow City Council officials were responding to rumours that gaming machines will be introduced into the Embers Grille restaurant, which is currently under development on allotment land owned by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. This land was granted to the nearby Kialegee Tribe, who have now stated their intention to introduce a dedicated gambling area into the restaurant development.
The resolution will authorise the councils newly appointed attorney, Stephen Bugg, to inform the National Indian Gaming Commission of the city council's objection to illegal gaming on the allotment land and give him the mandate to contact other federal agencies in relation to the issue of gaming in the city.
In a press release outlining the council’s proposals the city confirmed that it also recognizes the Muscogee (Creek) Nation leadership's efforts to "address illegal gaming on the site and willingness to work together on matters of common and public safety."
Despite this, officials from the Muscogee (Creek) Nation claim that they have the final say over whether the venue can operate as it is on their land and as such is independent of city approval.
In a statement tribal leaders said: "City leaders have been told that the Muscogee Creek Nation has jurisdiction and, as such, regulates the issuance of permits to game at this location,"
The full resolution will be announced at the council meeting which takes place on August 1st.