Legal & Regulatory

SafeEnt granted review into revoked Swedish license

Global Gaming subsidiary SafeEnt has been granted a review permit by the Administrative Court of Appeal in Jönköping, allowing a review into the Swedish Gambling Authority’s (SGA) decision to revoke its license for betting and online gaming.


SafeEnt saw its license revoked by the SGA in June last year.

This was followed by the Administrative Court refusing an appeal in November, but now the Administrative Court of Appeal will decide whether the SGA’s original decision was correct.

At this stage it is unclear when the decision will be reached by the Court of Appeal.

Tobias Fagerlund, Global Gaming CEO, said: "We are, of course, relieved the Administrative Court of Appeal has granted a review permit of the case. 

"We hope the Administrative Court of Appeal will eventually share our opinion that the Swedish Gambling Authority’s decision was disproportionate and incorrect."

The SGA originally revoked Global Gaming’s operating license last year after reporting "serious deficiencies" in business practices, including failings related to responsible gambling and anti-money laundering measures.

Before the ban, SafeEnt had been operating its Ninja Casino and SpelLandet online gaming brands through online casino and sports betting licenses.

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