The online Asian gaming company’s W88 logo will feature on the front of Crystal Palace’s home, away and third kits, as part of the sponsorship deal.
W88 specialises in sports betting, live dealer casino, poker, slots and lottery games, and was previously fellow Premier League club Aston Villa’s shirt sponsor last season. The operator also sponsored Wolverhampton Wanderers in 2018/19.
International gaming company ManBetX were the Eagles’ previous shirt sponsor.
The football club, who finished 14th in the English top flight last season, mentioned that W88 will join a group of global brands working with the club in an expanding program of commercial relationships, with more partnerships to be announced.
Crystal Palace chairman Steve Parish, said: “We are delighted to welcome W88 as a new Principal Partner and shirt sponsor for the 2020/21 season. We share a common ambition to further extend our international footprint and we look forward to working in partnership with W88."
W88 business development manager Hilly Ehrlich added: “Apart from working closely with the Club's management and players, we are also excited and looking forward to engaging with Palace fans, both in England and around the world, for a successful partnership.”