The guidance aims to combat the “irresponsible incentivisation” of high-value customers to greater strengthen customer protection in the market.
In October last year, the GC published three challenges to the UK industry, with the aim of increasing focus on safer gambling and reducing gambling harm for customers. Within these challenges, the incentivisation of high value customers was one area the Commission was hoping to see improvement.
From June to August this year, the GC ran a consultation process, in which senior members of the UK industry discussed how they could improve VIP standards with a draft code.
As a result of that consultation, the Commission has published a series of checks which must take place before an operator makes a customer a VIP. These checks include source of funds, occupation and identity verification, in addition to ongoing gambling harm checks. Operators must also ensure spending is affordable and sustainable as part of the player’s leisure spend.
Operators will also be required to assign a senior executive to oversee the VIP scheme, making that individual personally accountable for the safety of high-value customers.
These measures must be in place from 31 October.