This programme began on 1 March and its call for grants is open to researchers who work in the fields of the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction, gambling-related harm and gambling problems.
The organisation’s Addiction Prevention Fund was established as a result of the Remote Gambling Act, and this research programme is one of its spending targets. Researchers can register until 5 May to be eligible for funding.
The Remote Gambling Act (KOA) regulates online games of chance in the Netherlands, as well as tightens the requirements in the field of addiction prevention for both online and offline (land-based) games of chance. The law also entails the Addiction Prevention Fund, which is managed by the KSA.
One of the fund's spending goals is to drive research into the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction, popularly known as problem gambling. To this end, the Trimbos Institute for Mental Health first mapped out the available knowledge and then drew up a research agenda.
An independent expert group has issued advice on which topics from the research agenda should be addressed as a priority.
Topics prioritized by this group now form the basis of the Prevention of ZonMW’s official Gambling Addiction research programme.
The mission of the programme is to contribute to the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction, gambling-related harm and gambling problems at every stage by developing knowledge, spreading its message and inspiring people to game responsibly.