Melco's latest 'Restoring our world, Inspiring our communities, Sustaining our supply chain and Empowering our business' (RISE: Above & Beyond) report has highlighted its latest sustainability strategy.
The strategy that the gambling company has implemented includes points such as energy and climate resilience, community engagement and investment, engagement of its people, health, safety and wellbeing, ethics, and lastly, privacy and cybersecurity.
Energy and climate resilience: since 2018, the company has conserved enough energy to power over 7,000 homes per year (51.3m kWh), eliminated over 1.4m plastic bottles by using a water filtration system, and has seen a 9% increase in waste diversion through composting and recycling.
Community, engagement and investment: Melco organised 2,276 community activities with over 22,300 Melco volunteer participants.
Health, safety and wellbeing: 99% of employees completed the Hotel and Catering Safety Card Training Programme, and 500 colleagues participated in mental wellness seminars organised by the company.
Engagement of Melco’s people: Women comprise 27% of Melco’s boards and 34% of senior management. Furthermore, there was a 60% increase in average training hours per colleague up to 170 hours.
Ethics: The company supports local farmers and communities and the humane treatment of livestock. Melco has committed to sourcing 100% cage-free eggs by 2025 across all properties. Since March 2022, 100% of the eggs served at City of Dreams Manila are from cage-free, local sources and almost 90% of chemicals sourced in 2022 were in the Green and Amber categories – putting Melco ahead of its 2025 target. There were also no material incidents of corruption, anti-competitive behaviour or monopolistic practices reported.
Privacy and cybersecurity: Obtained cyber insurance to protect Melco against financial losses caused by potential cybersecurity incidents.