Key points:
- 20% of French respondents plan to gift scratch cards to children this Christmas
- 94% recognize gambling as dangerous for children, yet 25% have given scratch cards to minors
- ANJ warns against early gambling exposure due to increased addiction risks
As Christmas approaches, a recent survey commissioned by the French National Gaming Authority (ANJ) has revealed that 20% of French individuals plan to gift scratch cards to children in their lives.
While scratch cards are often perceived as innocuous, the ANJ has emphasised the potential dangers of gambling for young people and urged parents not to trivialise the activity.
The survey highlights mixed attitudes toward gifting scratch cards to minors. Although more than half of respondents find it inconceivable to give such gifts to children, a quarter admitted they have done so in the past, primarily parents gifting their own children. This year, 14% of parents specifically plan to give scratch cards to their children.
Scratch cards account for 23% of France's gambling market value, with 28 different instant games available for purchase.
They are also a common entry point into gambling for 15-17-year-olds, according to the ENJEU Minors study.
While nearly all respondents (94%) consider gambling a dangerous activity for children – more so than social media or screen exposure – this concern is not always reflected in gifting practices.
Good to know: Christmas emerges as the most common occasion for these gifts, followed by birthdays
Even among those who offer scratch cards to minors, there is an acknowledgement of the risks, including addiction.
Commenting on the findings, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, President of the ANJ, stated: “Studies show that the earlier gambling begins, the greater the risk of addiction.
“With this survey, the ANJ wants to remind parents that gambling is not harmless and that this activity should not be trivialised. If they only remember one thing, it is that gambling is not child's play!"