In the period up to 30 June, the per-capita spending of visitors was 1,996 MOP, an increase of 12%. Shopping accounted for the bulk of the non-gaming spending, accounting for 46% of total outlay, as accommodation and food and drink completed the rest of the top three non-gaming amenities.
Visitors from mainland China were the most frequent for the quarter, and made up 82% of overall non-gaming spend, at 13.4m MOP.
Visitors to Macau for the quarter rose 8% to 8.27m, and has risen 8% so far for the year to date to 16.8m.
This growth is down to the local government’s attempts to push non-gaming services, which is expected to reach $14bn by 2025, according to the Macao Government Tourism Office, as part of a 15-year master plan for the sector, published in September last year.
Q2 revenue for the gaming sector in Macau was 73.5bn MOP, up from 62.9bn MOP in 2017.