Adam Bell SC, who is leading the review, was originally due to report his findings on 30 June, but has since requested an extension. This has now been granted by New South Wales’ Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA).
In an announcement issued by the ILGA, Bell’s request for more time will permit him “to undertake further lines of inquiry in order to fully discharge his duties according to the Terms of Reference.”
These so-called “Terms of Reference” detail the scope of Bell’s review, which concerns The Star’s suitability to operate its casino in Sydney, as well as the extent to which the company has complied with its obligations under the Casino Control Act 1992 and Casino Control Regulation 2019.
Further areas the review will examine include “the presence and detection of illegal and undesirable activities and people in the casino” and “the management and operation of The Star’s bank accounts.”
ILGA Chairperson Philip Crawford commented: “The Authority is fully supportive of Mr Bell examining additional witnesses and giving further consideration to a number of key issues.”
This comes after public hearings commenced on 17 March. Testimony heard during these hearings ultimately contributed to The Star Entertainment Group CEO and Managing Director Matt Bekier tendering his resignation.
Among the witnesses who have thus far given testimony was former Chief Risk Officer Paul McWilliams, who said Bekier reacted angrily to a 2018 report by global audit firm KPMG.
In response to this extension, The Star said it will continue to fully cooperate with the review.