The Central Association of the German Advertising Industry (ZAW) and German Association for Telecommunications and Media (DVTM) have settled with state government on a self-regulation model that ensures licensed online casino providers can offer a proportionate share of nationwide TV advertising.
The DVTM represents eight of the 11 online casinos licensed in Schleswig-Holstein and the self-regulation would cap TV advertising minutes at 17,000 per month. This 17,000 limit represents the maximum all providers are allowed to cover, collectively, on nationwide free-to-air TV.
Critics have also been invited by the body to check “neutral data,” dismissing claims of a “massive increase in gambling advertising” as "fake news."
The DMTV says these suggestions has been spread by interest groups such as political parties and the Automatenwirtschaft, which represents land-based casinos.
These unfounded suggestions have thereby “taken root” in the minds of politicians, according to the DMTV.
Renatus Zilles, DVTM chairman, said: "Finding pragmatic, responsible solutions together instead of fighting each other is the mission statement of our association.
“The solution now presented could serve as a model for the regulation of advertising in the future State Treaty on Gambling".