Subject to any regulatory approvals, the positions are effective from 1 June 2022, and follow the resignation of John O’Neill as Executive Chairman. O’Neill tendered his resignation as Executive Chairman on 20 May, and also advised he would be stepping down from the company’s board.
As noted by the operator, O’Neill will transition his Chair and executive responsibilities in an orderly manner, and will formally step down on 31 May 2022. He was appointed as Executive Chairman on an interim basis on 1 April following the resignation of Managing Director and CEO Matt Bekier on 28 March.
A search for a permanent CEO of The Star began last month. The Australian operator added that remuneration arrangements for Hogg will be announced prior to him starting as Acting CEO. He is currently the interim Chief Casino Officer for New South Wales and Queensland.
The boardroom changes come amid the ongoing review into the group’s suitability to retain its casino licence for The Star Sydney. Earlier this month, the operator suspended all domestic and international rebate play programs, while also reconfirming a commitment to not deal with junkets.
Further board changes have also taken place throughout a troubled month of May for The Star, with CFO Harry Theodore, Chief Casino Officer Greg Hawkins, and Chief Legal & Risk Officer and Company Secretary Paula Martin all resigning from their roles.