The deal will see Better Collective operate the sports betting arm of Punch’s platform, giving readers information on sports events and generally keeping them informed.
The partnership is Better Collective’s first with a media company in Africa, though Punch has a wider reach – stating that it also reaches an audience in Europe, North America and Asia, with 11 million followers on social media.
Jesper Søgaard, Co-Founder and CEO of Better Collective, said of the deal: “We are very proud to partner with such a well-established news media like Punch. Not only will we be partnering with Nigeria’s market leader but this partnership also allows us to establish a presence on the African continent.”
Meanwhile, Adeyeye Joseph, Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief of Punch, added: “We are excited to work with a passionate technology-driven partner like Better Collective. We hope that this partnership will help Punch to serve Nigeria’s growing sports betting community with high-quality content while also helping our company to further its audience and revenue goals.”
Furthermore, Better Collective highlighted its goals going forward at its recent Capital Markets Day, which saw its executives present on its current position in the market and how it would aim to grow going forward – much of which was focused on acquiring several other companies.