Profit Accumulator is a paid-for service that provides its members with information on promotional offers and directs them to specific bets for the purpose of matched betting.
The first advertisement featured the text “COLOSSAL WIN 2,380.50” alongside the caption “Absolutely amazing win from one of our members 12 minutes ago.”
The post’s hashtags were “#makemoney #income #makemoneyfromhome #extraincome #students #sahm #extramoney.”
In the second banned advertisement, Profit Accumulator posted a review, which said: “In one month I have gone from a person struggling to stay afloat who is worrying about their MOT, bills etc to completely flipping my financial position.
“Could not have got to this position without match betting, and without the guidance of Profit Accumulator.”
The complainant believed the advertisements suggested matched betting could be a way to achieve financial security.
Although the ASA acknowledged Profit Accumulator was not itself a gambling company, it concluded the purpose of the service was to facilitate gambling.
With this in mind, the ASA ruled that the advertisements must not appear again in their current form and advised Profit Accumulator not to imply matched betting could be a solution to financial concerns.