The rule is similar to existing regulations regarding alcoholic beverages and is being debated in the Assembly of the Republic (by the Left Bloc, PCP, PAN, and by the non-registered deputy Cristina Rodrigues) and is also calling for the end of advertising about instant lotteries, in reference to scratch cards.
Ms Rodrigues argued: “We propose that it is only possible to advertise this type of game after 22:30 and until 07:00, and it’s proposed that, similar to what happens with tobacco packages, the bulletins of these games also have a warning as to the fact that they are liable to create dependency.”
Deputy Isabel Pires, from the Left Bloc, mentioned that the party’s proposal aims to have the use of “methods that have been proven to help address the problem, and advertising is central to disincentives to demand this type of product.”
PCP Deputy Paula Santos recalled that in 2014 when online gambling and betting was legalised, the executive led by Pedro Passos Coelho had created a regime that was more permissive and open to incitement and stimuli for online games and betting. She stated that the PCP proposal focuses on finding a solution to reduce said stimuli.
The non-attached deputy mentioned several statistics that report Portugal to be the country in Europe where more money is spent per capita on scratch cards; therefore, she claims the necessity of investing in preventing addiction to games and gambling.