The regulator's logo was accidentally shown for a brief time on Videoslots' website before being taken down.
The Ksa attempted to register as a Dutch client after realising its error but was unsuccessful due to the security procedures in place. The Ksa then managed to get unauthorised access by posing as a German customer and placing a deposit and a single 20-cent bet, according to operator Videoslots.
When Videoslots discovered that a Ksa official had unlawfully accessed its website, it says it immediately took additional precautions to avoid this happening again.
After alleging that Videoslots had broken the Dutch Gaming Act, the Ksa has now imposed the highest fine in its history: €9,874,000 ($10.5m). Videoslots has objected to the fine and refutes the accusation.
Ulle Skottling, Deputy CEO at Videoslots, said: “Videoslots does not target but restrict the Netherlands, so the Dutch Gaming Act does not apply to its services. No Dutch players were able to access our site during the disputed period and there was no violation as a result.
“It is absurd that the Ksa should fine us after gaining unauthorised access. It is simply not possible to protect fully against unauthorised access and the Ksa has no guidelines on what measures are sufficient.
“Furthermore, there was no demonstrable damage and the interests of Dutch consumers were never compromised at any point. The Ksa calculated the fine based on several guesstimates. There is no basis for it and all sense of proportionality is missing. "