
Exacta Systems launches historical horse racing system in New Hampshire

Exacta Systems has launched its historical horse racing (HHR) system in New Hampshire at Ocean Gaming Casino.

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Ocean Gaming Casino in Hampton will go live with 50 terminals initially, featuring IGT, AGS and IntuiCode. As noted by Exacta Systems, the addition of the terminals will significantly expand the property’s gaming floor, which currently has poker and other table games available.

Tax revenue generated from HHR wagers will be allocated to the New Hampshire Education Trust Fund, and to local charitable organisations. This is the case with all charitable gaming in New Hampshire.

“We are thrilled to bring this exciting style of gaming to New Hampshire,” said Exacta Systems CEO and President Jeremy Stein. “Today's announcement is evidence of our long-term commitment to HHR and the New Hampshire market. 

“By providing customers with our versatile system, Exacta Connect, we are able to offer patrons a diverse portfolio of game content. And with an office in Manchester, Exacta is ready to deliver the high level of support which our customers have come to expect.”

Located in Hampton Beach, Ocean Gaming’s poker room and casino have a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Ocean Gaming Casino’s Anthony Fusco commented: “Exacta has been a great partner. They have worked diligently with us and the New Hampshire Lottery to ensure compliant and responsible expansion of charitable gaming.

“We have no doubt that HHR will prove to be popular with patrons and generate significant new tax revenue for our local charities.”

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