Addressing concerns encompassing the often tumultuous Asian online casino gaming market, SureWin Founder William Anderson has expressed commitment to the revolution of Asia’s online casino landscape, stating the platform is engaged in making a positive societal impact through offering financial aid and resources to underprivileged communities in Asia.
Numerous platforms operate without legal compliance, creating an unsafe environment for players.
In 2017, SureWin addressed these challenges by securing Philippines Pagcor and Curacao E-Gaming licences.
Beyond regulatory compliance, SureWin says it is the first online gaming platform to receive Facebook and WhatsApp Business Certifications. These certifications highlight the company's commitment to providing a secure platform for users.
To mark its entry into the Asian market, SureWin has introduced several bespoke promotions, all aimed at different countries, including a standout offer for new members: free trial credits to experience the thrill of gaming on sureWin.