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The Star Entertainment secures job guarantees and cashless gaming trial

The aspects had previously been agreed in-principle with The Honourable Daniel Mookhey MLC. 

The Star Entertainment Group
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The Star Entertainment has entered into a binding documentation for the guarantee of the preservation of jobs, and the cashless and carded play trial related to The Star Sydney casino. 

In August last year, an in-principle agreement was announced which looked at preserving the jobs of the Sydney team members of The Star. 

This Jobs Guarantee Agreement was made with the state of NSW and the United Workers Union, which will maintain a minimum headcount and certain ratios of full-time, part-time and casual employees for The Star Sydney until 30 June 2030. 

The agreement with NSW Treasurer, The Honourable Daniel Mookhey MLC, also sees a formal trial of cashless and carded play at the casino. Subject to the receipt of final regulatory approvals, the trial will apply to 51 poker machines and eight table games. 

The Star’s Group CEO and Managing Director, Robbie Cooke, said: “The Star appreciates the constructive engagement with the current NSW Government that has led to finalisation of an agreement that provides employment certainty for our dedicated and hardworking team members in Sydney.

"As we continue to focus on earning back the trust of the Page 2 of 2 community and implementing the reforms required to restore The Star to suitability, we are also committed to the continuation of our role as a valuable contributor to the NSW economy.” 

In other news, towards the end of January, Daniel Finch was appointed The Star Brisbane CEO, bringing with him over 20 years of experience in travel and hospitality. 

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